My .02: If any of your ex-JW friends talk negative about the WTBTS/GB then they may think you are befriending apostates. That, I would think could land you in hot water and in the back room if anyone in JWland knows your congo.
I used to care. Then I said fuck it. I have some friends fr JWN on my FB page, and one posts utube vids against the WTBTS/GB on a regular basis. If anyone should see it, so be it. Like being closeted for so long, I'm fucking tired of hiding.
But, I have no family to lose. I lost all friends, of course, and so would you, if deemed you are hangin with "apostates". You need to see what you are willing to sacrifice and at what cost.
Is that DF'd person known to others on your FB page? Since JW's are admonished to basically shun ex members, then I would say, unless NO ONE knows who this DF'd JW is, you have a strong chance of getting "caught associating" with them. Then all hell could break loose for you.
Best wishes for a happy outcome